Wednesday, 26 August 2015


Among all the GODS kripa or mercy of Sri Radharani is huge

So we need to pray for her 24 hours mercy upon us, we are all her DASI and she is our PRAN SWAMINI

 Sri Radha kripa kataksha stava raja

Spoken by Lord Shiva to Parvati

Translated by Kushakratha dasa

 munindra-vrinda-vandite triloka-shoka-harini
                              prasanna-vaktra-pankaje nikunja-bhu-vilasini
 vrajendra-bhanu-nandini vrajendra-sunu-sangate
                              kada karishyasiha mam kripa-kataksha-bhajanam

O goddess worshiped by the kings of sages, O goddess who remove the sufferings of the three worlds, O goddess whose face islike a blossoming lotus, O goddess who enjoy pastimes in the forest, O daughter of Vrishabhanu, O companion of Vraja’s prince, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

varabhaya-spurat-kare prabhuta-sampadalaye
                              kada karishyasiha mam kripa-kataksha-bhajanam

O goddess staying in a vine-cottage by an ashoka tree, O goddess whose delicate feet are as splendid as red blossoms, O goddess whose hand grants fearlessness, O abode of transcendetal opulences, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

                              sa-vibhramam sa-sambhramam drig-anta-bana-patanaih
nirantaram vashi-krita-pratiti-nandanandane
                              kada karishyasiha mam kripa-kataksha-bhajanam

O goddess who, playfully shooting the arrows of Your glances from the curved bows of Your auspicious, amorous eyebrows, have completely subdued Nanda’s son [Krishna], when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

Listen all songs and videos of SRI JAGADGURU KRIPALUJI MAHARAJ

Listen melodious songs and videos of SRI JAGADGURU KRIPALUJI MAHARAJ HERE

Listen all songs and videos of SRI GOURAV KRISHNA GOSWAMI

Listen melodious songs and videos of SRI GOURAV KRISHNA GOSWAMI HERE

Listen all songs and videos of SRI MRIDUL KRISHNA GOSWAMI

Listen melodious songs and videos of SRI MRIDUL KRISHNA GOSWAMI HERE

Benefits of continuous chanting of hare krishna part 2

Padma Purana

In the Padma Purana, Shri Sanatkumara replied to Shri Narada in the following verses:

harer apy aparadhan yah, kuryad dvi-pada-pam shalah;
namashrayah kadacit syat, taraty eva sa namatah;
namno ’pi sarva-suhrido, hy aparadhat pataty adhah.

“The lowest of human beings who commit offenses at the lotus feet of Shri Hari will certainly cross the material ocean if they somehow take shelter of the Holy Names of the Lord. However, those who commit offenses against the maha-mantra, the well-wisher of all, will certainly fall down.

bhumau skhalita padanam, bhumir evavalambanam;
tvayi jataparadhanam, tvam eva sharanam prabho.

“If one slips and falls down while walking on the ground, then to get up one has to take support from the ground itself. Similarly the offenses against the Hare Krshna maha-mantra can only be removed by taking continuous shelter of the maha-mantra.
jate namaparadhe tu, pramade vai kathancana;
sada sankirtayen nama, tad eka sharano bhavet.

namaparadha-yuktanam, namany eva haranty agham;
avishranti-prayuktani, tany evartha-karani ca.

“If one is not careful in avoiding the ten offenses while chanting the Hare Krshna maha-mantra, he will never get success in chanting even after many millions of lives. For getting free from the offenses against the maha-mantra, the only way is to take the full shelter of the maha-mantra by chanting constantly. The way to avoid namaparadha (offenses) commited due to negligence is to intensify one’s chanting. By continuous and non-stop chanting, the chanting itself will relieve us from the offenses and then one will very quickly achieve the ultimate goal of chanting i.e. to chant purely in love of God."

Benefits of continuous chanting of hare krishna part 1

For continuous chanting benefits are:-

In the Vishnu Rahasya, Lord Brahma speaks to Narada at the end of the dialogue on masopavasa:

prabhate cardha-ratre ca, madhyahne divasa-kshaye
kirtayanti harim ye vai, te taranti bhavarnava
evam ekantinam prayah, kirtanam smaranam prabhoh
kurvatam parama-pritya, krityam anyan na rocate. 

"A well-to-do householder Vaishnava cannot live like a person in the renounced order who completely takes shelter of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. Such a householder should chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra in the morning, at midday and in the evening. Then he will be able to cross beyond nescience. Pure devotees in the renounced order, however, should fully surrender to the lotus feet of Krishna and should constantly chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra with great love and faith, always thinking of Krishna's lotus feet. They should have no occupation other than chanting and remembering the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.”

Shri Chaitanya Charitamrta

In Shri Chaitanya-charitamrita Antya-lila 20.18, Lord Chaitanya declares:

khaite shuite yatha tatha nama laya;
kala-desha-niyama nahi, sarva siddhi haya.

“Regardless of time or place or any rules and regulations, one who chants the Hare Krshna maha-mantra continuously, even while eating or sleeping, attains all perfection.”

In Shri Chaitanya-caritamrita Antya-lila 3.137, Namacarya Haridasa Thakura instructs the converted prostitute:

nirantara nama lao, kara tulasi sevana;
acirat pabe tabe krishnera carana.

“Chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra continuously and render service to the tulasi plant by watering her and offering prayers to her. In this way you will very soon get the opportunity to be sheltered at the lotus feet of Krishna.”

In Shri Chaitanya-caritamrita Antya-lila 6.223,226), Lord Chaitanya states:

vairagi karibe sada nama-sankirtana;
magiya khana kare jivana rakshana.

“A person in the renounced order should always chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. He should beg some alms to eat, and he should sustain his life in this way.”

vairagira kritya-sada nama-sankirtana;
shaka-patra-phala-mule udara-bharana.

“The duty of a person in the renounced order is to chant the Hare Krshna maha-mantra always. He should satisfy his belly with whatever vegetables, leaves, fruits and roots are available.”


In Shri Chaitanya-caritamrita Madhya-lila 22.113, the following verse from the Padma Purana is quoted:

Glories of chanting hare Krishna Maha mantra part 2

The maha-mantra is capable of dissolving sins and removing impediments. The maha-mantra removes sufferings and diminishes the detriments that are so charactersitic of Kali-yuga. It redeems the unredeemable residents of hellish planets and nullifies the inevitable sinful reactions carried over from previous births. The maha-mantra purifies offenses and is the quintessence of all trancendental activities, shining more brilliantly than the Vedas. The scriptures declare that the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra is the highest spiritual activity, higher than making pilgrimages to the holiest of places. The maha-mantra is omnipotent and benedicts the chanter with unimaginable good fortune-Its very nature is that It elevates one to experience divine bliss. The chanter is no ordinary person, for he becomes worthy of the entire world’s praise. The maha-mantra is the only means of salvation for the fallen conditioned souls, and It is always worshippable for It offers the much desired liberation, exalts one to the supreme spiritual abode and blesses the chanter with transcendental love of Godhead, Shri Hari. The shruti and smriti contain proofs of the maha-mantra’s sublime position. It is the supreme destination of all spiritual aspirations and the mainstream of the current of bhakti (devotional service).
                 One of the inherent characteristics of the maha-mantra is that It destroys all sins. Hear first the different, authoritative conclusions on the subject. Take note of Ajamila, the example of a sinner, who on his deathbed unconsciously called out, “Narayana’, the Supreme Lord’s name. The innumerable sins he had committed in countless lives were immediately absolved
                 The Bhagavatam 6.2.7 states that Ajamila had already atoned for all his sinful actions. Indeed, he has atoned not only for sins performed in one life but for those performed in millions of lives, for in a helpless condition he chanted the holy name of Narayana. Even though he did not chant purely, he chanted without offenses, and therefore he is now pure and eligible for liberation

                 If one chants the maha-mantra and then dies because of an accidental misfortune, such as falling from the top of a house, slipping and suffering broken bones while traveling on the road, being bitten by a serpent, being afflicted with pain and high fever, or being injured by a weapon, one is immediately absolved from having to enter hellish life, even though he is sinful. (Bhag 6.2.15)

               The Laghu Bhagavatamrita states that the maha-mantra is the only real friend of the living entity. By the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, one very easily uproots all sinful reactions that have been accumulated not only in this lifetime but also for many past lives and which are yet to mature into fruition.

               The Kurma Purana states that the process of chanting the maha-mantra has the power to eradicate all the accumulated and sinful reactions and much more, so much so that the maha-mantra can absolve more sinful reactions than one is even capable of committing

                The Skanda Purana states that all the sins committed through actions, mind, words and body can be permanently nullified in Kali-yuga simply by chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.

                The Brhan-naradiya Purana states that the scriptures proclaim unequivocally that the maha-mantra is the cure for all diseases. O resident of Puri, I say it is true, trust Me. Just chant the names of Govinda, Acyutananda, Krishna, Madhusudana etc. Chant the maha-mantra with feeling from the heart and with tears flowing from the eyes. This will rid you of all material diseases and sufferings.

Glories of chanting hare Krishna Maha mantra part 1



It helps to gain peace in mind. The Bhagavad-gita tells us that the mediator must learn to control the mind: "For one who has conquered the mind, then his mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will be the greatest enemy."
                                                 The materialistic mind attempts to enjoy by employing the senses to experience matter and material relationships. It is full of unlimited ideas for sense gratification, and being perpetually restless, it constantly flickers from one sense object to another. In doing so, the mind vacillates between hankering for some material gain and lamenting some loss or frustration.
                                       In the Bhagavad-gita Krishna explains, "One who is not in transcendental consciousness can have neither a controlled mind nor steady intelligence, without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be any happiness without peace?" By chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, we can control the mind, instead of letting it control us. Mantra is a Sanskrit word. Man means "mind," and tra means "to deliver." Thus, a mantra is a transcendental sound vibration with potency to liberate the mind from material conditioning.

Chant HARE KRISHNA in everywhere

Chant hare Krishna and be happy.  

Hare krishna Maha Mantra MEANING

Shrila Gopala Guru Gosvami’s Svarupa-siddhanta-vakyam

Explanation of the Maha-mantra from Shrila Gopala Guru Gosvami’s Svarupa-siddhanta-vakyam, etc.

hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare;
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare.

 The meaning of the word ‘Hare’
‘Hare’ is the vocative for both ‘Hari’ and ‘Hara’

harati tri-vidham tapam janma-koti-shatodbhavam;
papam ca smaratam yasmat tasmad harir iti smritah.

“The Lord is known as Hari because He takes away the sins and three types of suffering [adhyatmika (bodily or mental), adhibhautika (offered by living creatures), and adhidaivika (due to supernatural disturbances)] accumulated over millions of births, of those who remember him.”

vijnapya bhagavat-tattvam cid-ghanananda-vigraham;
haraty avidyam tat-karyam ato harir iti smritah

“The Lord is known as Hari because He eradicates the ignorance of His devotees by revealing to them the philosophical truths about Himself and His own personal spiritual form which is full of eternity and condensed bliss.”

harati krishna-manah krishnalada-svarupini;
ato harety anenaiva si-radha parikirtita.

“Because She steals Krishna’s mind and because She is the personification of Krishna’s pleasure potency, Shri Radha is also known by the name ‘Hara’.

Rama Tapaniya Upanisad 

 The meaning of the word ‘Rama’:

The Rama-tapaniyopanisad, 1.6 states:

ramante yogino ’nante, satyanande cid-atmani;
iti rama-padenasau, param brahmabhidhiyate.

“The yogis take pleasure in the unlimited Supreme Lord who is existence, knowledge and bliss absolute. Therefore He is known as the Param Brahman and is also called Rama.”

vaidagdhya-sara-sarvasvam murta-liladhidaivatam;
shri-radham ramayan nityam rama ity abhidhiyate.

“Krishna is also known as ‘Rama’ because the bliss of the conjugal mellow of pure love is the very essence of His being, because He is the titulary deity of loving sports incarnate, and because He brings pleasure to His eternal consort Shrimati Radharani.”

ramayaty anisham rupa-lavanyair vraja-yoshitam;
manah-pancendriyaniha ramas tasmat parikirtitah.

“Krishna is glorified by the name ‘Rama’ because He constantly causes the Vraja cowherd women’s minds and senses to enjoy the charms of His form and beauty.”

adi ‘hare krishna’-artha avidya-damana
shraddhara sahita krishna-nama-sankirtana

“The meaning of the first ‘Hare Krishna’ is that the chanting of the maha-mantra with faith destroys all ignorance.

ara ‘hare krishna’-nama krishna sarva shakti
sadhu-sange namashraye bhajananurakti

“The meaning of the second ‘Hare Krishna’ is that all of Krishna’s potencies are present in the maha-mantra. One should develop attachment to the process of accepting full shelter of the maha-mantra in the association of pure devotees.

seita bhajana-krame sarvanartha nasha
anarthapagame name nishthara vikasha

By following this process all the unwanted things in our hearts will be destroyed. Then strong faith will awaken in the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.

tritiye vishuddha-bhakta caritrera saha;
‘krishna krishna’ name nishtha kare aharaha.

“By the third chanting of ‘Krishna Krishna’, please develop this faith in chanting furthur by taking shelter of the transcendental qualities of the pure devotees.

caturthe ahaituki bhakti-uddipana;
ruci saha ‘hare hare’ nama-sankirtana.

“By the fourth chanting of ‘Hare Hare’, please cultivate the taste for chanting. This stage marks the manifestation of unmotivated desire to render devotional service to Lord Krishna.

pancamete suddha-dasya rucira sahita;
‘hare rama’-sankirtana smarana vihita.

“By the fifth rememberance of ‘Hare Rama’ arises the stage of rendering bhakti with the mood of pure servitude and strong attachment.

shashtha bhavankura ‘hare rameti’ kirtana;
samsare aruci krishne ruci samarpana.
“By the chanting of the sixth ‘Hare Rama’, one arouses one’s bhava (ecstasy or emotion) for Lord Krishna. He then develops distaste for this material world and strong attraction to surrender everything to Lord Krishna.

saptama madhurasakti radha padashraya;
vipralambha ‘rama rama’-namera udaya.

“The seventh chanting of ‘Rama Rama’ arouses strong attachment to the sweetest feature of the Absolute Truth and ultimately the desire to take shelter of the lotus feet of Shrimati Radharani in the mood of separation.

ashtama vrajete ashta-kala gopi-bhava;
radha-krishna-prema-seva prayojana labha.

“While chanting the final ‘Hare Hare’, the sadhaka will achieve the ultimate goal (prayojana) of rendering pure loving devotional service in the pastimes Shri Shri Radha and Krishna in Vrndavana in one’s original spiritual body, in the mood of the gopis during the eight periods of the day”


The meaning of the word ‘Krishna’:

The Mahabharata (Udyoga-parva 71.4) states:

krishir bhu-vacakah shabdo, nash ca nirvriti-vacakah;
tayor aikyam param brahma, krishna ity abhidhiyate

“‘The word “krs” is the attractive feature of the Lord’s existence, and “na” means spiritual pleasure. When the verb “krs” is added to the affix “na,” it becomes “Krishna,” which indicates the Supreme Absolute Truth.’

anandaika-sukha-svami shyamah kamala-locanah;
gokulanandano nanda-nandanah krishna iryate

“The dark, lotus-eyed Lord, the only master of the highest joy, who brings pleasure to Gokula and is the son of Nanda, is known as ‘Krishna’”.