Thursday, 27 August 2015


5000 years ago when Sri Krishna descended in His original form, as a cowherd boy in Vrindavan, Srimati Radharani accompanied Him in Her original form. She appeared exactly two weeks after the appearance of Sri Krishna on the eighth day of the lunar moon (ashtami). Srimati Radharani was found on a lotus flower by Vrashabhanu and his wife Kirtida near the village of Barsana, a few miles away from Nandagrama. It is said that Srimati Radharani first opened Her eyes only when Sri Krishna appeared before Her. Until that time Her eyes were closed.

                            Then one day krishna arrived at RADHA's house and he gave his palm in RADHA'S eye, then RADHA opened her eye and saw her beloved KRISHNA infront of her.

                            Understanding the mellows of the relationship between Krishna and Radha is impossible from the mundane perspective. Understanding devotion at the platform of intimacy, which is the highest level of relationship of a devotee with Krishna, is only possible in the most elevated stages of bhakti where there is not even a tinge of material contamination.


                            The loving affairs of Radha and Krishna are not ordinary, material loving affairs, although they appear like that. Rascals and fools misunderstand Krishna to be an ordinary man. They do not know Krishna's transcendental nature. They try to imitate Krishna's rasa-lila, His dancing with the Gopis.